I consider them one of the better bands that are out today, and I bought their cd, 13 ways to bleed on stage, yesterday. I love it. They do use solos and a good amount of their songs. Check them out.
# 1
i think cold really sucks but if you like them thats cool whatever flaots your boat. come on "stupid girl" is one of the most lamest songs i have ever heard
"to shred or not to shred that is thee question"
# 2
Dude if the only song you have heard from them is stupid girl than you have no way of judging them. I hate that song, but none of their other songs are like that. They have two other cds than that one man.
# 3
my friends are big fans just like u but im just saying that i dont like them
"to shred or not to shred that is thee question"
# 4
I thought you were just judging them off of stupid girl. There other songs don't sound anything like that.
# 5