View post (im gonna buy a guitar..which one?)

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Joined: 05/21/03
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Registered User
Joined: 05/21/03
Posts: 107
06/25/2003 12:10 am
wow you guys are willing to spend a lot of money on a guitar. My question for you though is once you start paying like almost two thousand dollars for a guitar you better be able to jam on the thing. I mean whats the use of buying that Gibson for so much (unless of course you can play the guitar up to its capability) when you can just go out and buy like a jackson flying V or something. I just bought an ESP guitar and only payed like 500 bucks and it sounds great. Anyways what if you want to play sitting down or something, have you ever tryed to play a flying V sitting down? It just wont work and when I play them standing up they still dont feel comfortable resting on my body. My overall opinion is spend some more time thinking about it try playing some other guitars. This is my theory get three guitars lug them in to a pretty good amp without any major effects then blind fold yourself. PLay each guitar and get the one thats sounds the best.