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Led Zeppelin
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Joined: 03/23/01
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Led Zeppelin
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Joined: 03/23/01
Posts: 759
06/22/2003 11:35 pm
Yeah, dont use your little finger at all, for the bass strings use your thumb then your 3 finger for the treble strings, usually(but not always) i(index) for g, m(middle) for b and a(ring) for e. Romance or Romanza is a traditional italian piece, the most famous version is by John Williams I believe, its the version I have on vinyl. Its quite an easy song, but requires the use of rest stroke on the e string with the ring finger. Rest stroke is where you push down into the string instead of plucking it(free stroke), this is how scales should be practiced. Using it here, enhances the melody of the e string, its a common technique used to single out a particular melody, but more often in contrast to a bass melody. Learn Greensleeves, its has more variety, and leaves more room for personalisation, though classical music pretty much restricts you to whats on the page, you can mess around with dynamics usually.

The piece Im trying to learn now is Recuerdos de la Alhambra, by Francisco Tarrega and performed by Segovia. Im not good enough yet, but I aiming to learn it within 6 months, it requires good tremelo technique, where you play the same string(usually treble) with 3 fingers very quickly and rhythmically while playing a seperate meoldy with the thumb, its quite difficult.