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Adrian Johnson
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Joined: 06/17/03
Posts: 11
Adrian Johnson
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Joined: 06/17/03
Posts: 11
06/19/2003 8:13 pm
thanks for the feedback amigo! i appreciate the in-depth listens you gave :)

as far Daisho goes, i may take your suggestion and change up the drums a bit on the chorus. on Android i'm not sure what i'll wind up doing if i decide to add elements to the drum/turntable solo area - maybe i'll add some strangely distorted percussion to add interest...very valid points on the other tracks as well.

here's a sample of another track that will be on the demo - Overclocked:

(the demo will be Daisho, Rusted, Android, and Overclocked)

in a couple days i'll upload the full tracks of Overclocked and Rusted for some friends of mine - it won't be visible from the main site, but i'll post a link here if you like.

as far as gear goes i run my Ibanez JS1000 into a Sherman FilterBank, to a whammy pedal and Alesis AirFX, then into a Pod Pro, then into the software effects in Logic Audio Gold.