In memory of Randy Rhoads
2 string

ok when playing a 3 to 6 string arpeggio you roll your hand and lift up each finger before the next so the string wont ring out..on a 2 string arpegio do u roll ur fingers or just keep 2 of them in place then strum it and add the hamer on or example is yngwie malmsteen trilogy suite..need help, i cant get them right
# 1
I think when it comes to what your talking about. You can just go with what feels more natural to you, unless the written music (tab) requests otherwise. I think he actually picks each note in that part on trilogy suite.
The fingering should be what you feel comfortable with, but I find it easier to go middle, index, ring. You don't really need to use your pinky because it will cause your fingers to become smashed together. Since it's so high on the fretboard. If it's lower, it would probably b best to use your pinky as you would normally.
It's very easy to play this part fast with this pattern. You pretty much sweep the first 2 downstrokes, then come back up with the upstroke. Also, with this being a triplet rhythm to a classical type piece. The last note is usually the more suspended (not noticably, but if you understand how triplets are broken's not exactly even.) of the three. Even in some expressive classical music, the last beat before the next measure is usually suspended. Like the music will be at 108 bpm, and the last beat in the measure will be 92 bpm, then it will repeat that again. Probably didn't need to write that but it's something to know.
The fingering should be what you feel comfortable with, but I find it easier to go middle, index, ring. You don't really need to use your pinky because it will cause your fingers to become smashed together. Since it's so high on the fretboard. If it's lower, it would probably b best to use your pinky as you would normally.
It's very easy to play this part fast with this pattern. You pretty much sweep the first 2 downstrokes, then come back up with the upstroke. Also, with this being a triplet rhythm to a classical type piece. The last note is usually the more suspended (not noticably, but if you understand how triplets are broken's not exactly even.) of the three. Even in some expressive classical music, the last beat before the next measure is usually suspended. Like the music will be at 108 bpm, and the last beat in the measure will be 92 bpm, then it will repeat that again. Probably didn't need to write that but it's something to know.
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.
# 2

but my problem islike in ur tab u just showed at the parts were it did down down then up..the down down part do u roll ur fingers or already have them placed down??
In memory of Randy Rhoads
# 3
Like I said that's up to you. Whichever way you feel more comfortable with. It's better to roll your fingers as you said for this particular part, just so you don't have to worry about muting the b string once you play the e string. By having both strings pressed down you run the chance of having the b-string continue to ring out while playing the e-string. I know that is not the case with this part. Sometimes this is what you want, sometimes not. But you do want to have you finger in place before you actually play the g-string, just because of the speed of the part. Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say, it's kinda hard to explain without showing you visually. Go with what you feel comfortable with, but make sure the b-string doesn't ring out.
Not just for that part, but when you play anything like that. Whether it's an arpeggio or just a melodic lick. Your fingers should always be in the best position for that part.
[Edited by noticingthemistake on 06-14-2003 at 09:46 PM]
Not just for that part, but when you play anything like that. Whether it's an arpeggio or just a melodic lick. Your fingers should always be in the best position for that part.
[Edited by noticingthemistake on 06-14-2003 at 09:46 PM]
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.
# 4
I'd lift my finger off the b-string after I play it , but won't put it away , just a little off , probably just touching the string to help with the muting too.
# 5

# 6

I play 3 string sweeps on Triology, but I will try out with two. Seems like a good idea thanx dud.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 7