Now, my bassist is getting all antsy, since it's been his lifelong dream (slight exaggeration, but not by much) to have an album of his own. We've tried recording several times and the only song we have recorded so far is an acoustic song with two or three guitar tracks and vocals.
The reason it's so difficult to record anything is that most of our songs have a lot of different parts to them, so it's hard to lay down one foundation track. Even with the drums, there are times when the drums aren't playing and then they jump back in.
What do we need to do to start recording songs? Someone gave a suggestion of recording a song jam-style and then using that as the foundation track and then delete it after recording all the otehr parts. That sounded like a good idea, but my bassist thought that we weren't tight enough tempo-wise to use that method.
Are there any other methods out there that can work for us? Since we're computer recording, we can only lay down one track at a time.
Thanks for your help everyone!
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]