
Ive just come cross the Hellecasters and boy do these fellas know how to play. Like Danny Gatton, these guys are at the top of the tree as far as high-speed, light-handed picking goes, usually on Telecasters. Anyone here seen them play live?
# 1

I don't think they have done much together as a trio over the past several years since John Jorgenson got the gig with Elton John. Could be wrong though, they do make playing country style licks pretty cool though, not sure how they do half the stuff they do.
Hey Grub, did you ever check out Jimmy Bruno?
Hey Grub, did you ever check out Jimmy Bruno?
# 2

If you're into that kind of thing then you might be interested in a guy called Albert Lee who has played with the Helle's a bit. I've seen him live(not with the Helle's) three times and it was superb. Albert's played with the like's of Clapton to name but one and has become well known in the guitar circle for his signature super fast clean licks. Brilliant. Wish I could play like him.
"When I was a kid,all I wanted was a red electric guitar.It had to be red,because of Hank and his magical sound." Mark Knopfler on Hank Marvin.
# 3

Albert Lee's perhaps my #1 influence just for 'Country Boy' alone. This is the ultimate highspeed chickin pickin fest. Get his 'Star licks' vid where he goes through the whole song. thing is even his slow playing is faster than many people's shredding speeds.
# 4

At last, An Albert Lee fan. Wicked. You seen him live on his current tour promoting Tear It Up?
"When I was a kid,all I wanted was a red electric guitar.It had to be red,because of Hank and his magical sound." Mark Knopfler on Hank Marvin.
# 5

Originally posted by aiwass
Albert lee is hella cool. He's not THAT fast though, but he's a kickass guitarist nevertheless.
you not heard Country Boy then? mind you Danny Gatton and the Hellecasters may be able to chickin pick faster? hard to tell.
# 6

what's great about AL's playing is his use of staccato pickin, double stops, bends, pulls and digital delay.
# 7