Wireless Systems

Any of you guys got a wireless system? I was looking at ones by Nady but duno where to start! Any brands you liked or hated, any problems that come with goin wireless?
# 1
Shure is more popular , one of my friends got one .
I haven't played many of these and I don't have one myself (I'll get myself one in the near future anyway), but the only good brands I heard of are Shure , Nady & Sony.
Don't get an old VHF model.
I haven't played many of these and I don't have one myself (I'll get myself one in the near future anyway), but the only good brands I heard of are Shure , Nady & Sony.
Don't get an old VHF model.
# 2
I have an Azden wireless, and I've had very good luck with it. It's probably three or four years old now and I've never once had a problem with it.
I've been warned away from Nady's stuff (by a Nady dealer, by the way) because if it breaks it has to be sent to the factory to be repaired.
I've been warned away from Nady's stuff (by a Nady dealer, by the way) because if it breaks it has to be sent to the factory to be repaired.
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 3
AKG WMS40DVGB Microtools UHF Diversity Guitrabug Wireless System is VERY cool - very compact!
its just a lil "bug" that you plug into the guitar - no box that you have to attach to your belt and link it to the guitar with a cable or sumthing - just a lil "thing" that you plug into the guitar.
heres a pic of it -
its just a lil "bug" that you plug into the guitar - no box that you have to attach to your belt and link it to the guitar with a cable or sumthing - just a lil "thing" that you plug into the guitar.
heres a pic of it -
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 4

Are those suitable for gigs or consert? or just playin at home?
*Speed is nothing without control*
# 5
For gigs of course - who would build a remote system for home usage? would need a large room for that *LOL*
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 6

# 7
If used at home , you'll simply kill your battery's life for nothing.
Also people who use wireless on stage prefere to use normal cables at home/studio , cuz wireless slightly change the tone.
Vai & Satriani are using cables exclusively on stage and in studio... In an interview , Satriani said he uses guitar cable that cost about $300 a feet !
Also people who use wireless on stage prefere to use normal cables at home/studio , cuz wireless slightly change the tone.
Vai & Satriani are using cables exclusively on stage and in studio... In an interview , Satriani said he uses guitar cable that cost about $300 a feet !
# 8

$300???? a feet? mannn..the cable must be around 5 cm thick!
*Speed is nothing without control*
# 9
I don't think it's about thickness , cuz an average cable has got almost no resistance , therefore no need to make it thicker to decrease resistance.
It's the shielding and stuff like that ... I've studied soemthing in college about shielding with different layers and stuff , shielding techniques can be complicated and expensive.
It's the shielding and stuff like that ... I've studied soemthing in college about shielding with different layers and stuff , shielding techniques can be complicated and expensive.
# 10

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# 12

At $300 bux a foot, that kind of cable probably boils down to type of wire used instead of shielding techniques. Granted it's probably a directional cable, twisted, braided, and shielded, but instead of using the typical copper wiring, it's more than likely using silver. There is a company out there named Kimber Kables that uses silver exclusively in all there speaker wiring, RCA, and guitar cables. I had some of the speaker wiring, and they really do make a difference.
So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
# 13