I like David Gray and Colplay, its good music I think.
Composers of a different nature

Within the pop world, of people that compose their own music (though very few), who do you actually quite like?
I like David Gray and Colplay, its good music I think.
I like David Gray and Colplay, its good music I think.
# 1

# 2
I like Coldplay. Good Band I think.
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.
# 3

Yeah...Coldplay, Oasis, David Gray, its mainly pop-rock bands that compose their own, popstars generally dont, or they "co-write" their songs, meaning someone else does but only gets half the credit. I think Christina Aguilera wrote her last single "Beautiful", I dont care I love it. What a song!
# 4

I cant stand that song. Its not who performs it, I just cant stand it. All well, different strokes for different folks I guess.
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
-And it was good
-And it was good
# 5

I think anyone who doesnt like deserves to be shot.
As you said, different strokes for different folks hahaha
As you said, different strokes for different folks hahaha
# 6
Sometimes when I hear that girl (Aguilera) sing I want to shoot myself. :D
I'm not saying she isn't a good singer or not talented, but there is a point of over-doing things. Like when she sings a melodic line of 15 notes when one will do just fine. Soul, my a$$. I'd say 'Beautiful' is a good song, although it aint my cup of jabba.
Weezer is another good pop-rock band. I'm more of an alternative rock type guy though.
I'm not saying she isn't a good singer or not talented, but there is a point of over-doing things. Like when she sings a melodic line of 15 notes when one will do just fine. Soul, my a$$. I'd say 'Beautiful' is a good song, although it aint my cup of jabba.
Weezer is another good pop-rock band. I'm more of an alternative rock type guy though.
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.
# 7

I my self like all kinds of music really, if it makes me want to dance, or. in genral messes with my emotions its doing what it should, although i dont think christana is trying to make you mad lol. i like beatiful too that songs awsome. so is the video.
# 8

yeah well after I left here last night, I switched on MTV and there was a live performance of Christina doing Beautiful(followed by Blur doing Out Of Time, awesome even without Coxon, they should be added to my list) and I knew exactly what you mean by 15 notes where one will do! Shes not the best singer, until now Ive always hated her songs, but what a song. That said shes alot better than she gets credit for from us so called musicians.
# 9
I'd say she's the best singer out now in her genre. Girls like Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson could come out singing like the guy who did "like a virgin" on American Idol. (If you seen it, you probably never laughed so hard in your life.) But what I'm saying in Christina is very talented as a singer and she got where she is now because of her singing. The others like I meantioned are more look-at artists. They have talent but it's not the whole story. Celion Dion (S?P) is another really good singer, Shania Twain aint that bad either (she does write her own songs).
I also thought of another sorta-pop rock band that is pretty awesome. Incubus.
I also thought of another sorta-pop rock band that is pretty awesome. Incubus.
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.
# 10

I know what you mean.
This probably doesnt fit here, but I feel I have to mention Butch Walker. He used to front a band called Marvelous 3, who had a hit with "Freak Of The Week" before being dumped by their record label and splitting up to keep the friendship. He released an album last year, "left Of Self-Centered" which would be described as power-pop/punk-pop whatever(not the Blink182 type tho) but not commericially succesful, basically cos he never misses a chance to badmouth MTV/Clear Channel etc. He produces some punk-pop bands and had a hit a while back with a song he wrote for Bowling for Soup and hes apparently gonna produce/co-write Avril Lavignes new album and he was asked to audition for the ex-Guns N Roses members band but refused. Anyway enough of his biography, you should download "Suburbia" "If (Jeannie's Song)" "Sober" all availible free from his own site http://www.butchwalker.com
The guitar work is great too, check out his solos in "Alicia Amnesia" and "Get Down"
This probably doesnt fit here, but I feel I have to mention Butch Walker. He used to front a band called Marvelous 3, who had a hit with "Freak Of The Week" before being dumped by their record label and splitting up to keep the friendship. He released an album last year, "left Of Self-Centered" which would be described as power-pop/punk-pop whatever(not the Blink182 type tho) but not commericially succesful, basically cos he never misses a chance to badmouth MTV/Clear Channel etc. He produces some punk-pop bands and had a hit a while back with a song he wrote for Bowling for Soup and hes apparently gonna produce/co-write Avril Lavignes new album and he was asked to audition for the ex-Guns N Roses members band but refused. Anyway enough of his biography, you should download "Suburbia" "If (Jeannie's Song)" "Sober" all availible free from his own site http://www.butchwalker.com
The guitar work is great too, check out his solos in "Alicia Amnesia" and "Get Down"
# 11
Yeah Butch Walker is cool, I didn't realize he was still doing stuff. Thanx for the news. :) I did here about him being asked to Avril's new cd. I dunno know about him doing though, since he is so anti-MTV. If you like him and haven't heard these bands you should check them out, Social Distortion (they went on tour about 2 years ago after being broken up for like 10 yrs. They were amazing. Mike Ness did some solo stuff too. Great band.), Face to Face (earlier stuff, also the live stuff is great.), and Stiff Little Fingers (you can't say you listen to punk if you've never heard these guys. just great music.).
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.
# 12

I actually kinda like Christina's new album. I like the "beautiful", "fighter", and "I'm ok". They are actually worth listening to. But for others, definetly COLDPLAY is a favorite.
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
# 13

Haha, its a bit of a shock to come across someone else who knows Butch. Yeah hes still going, hes releasing a live album in June/July and hopes to start recording a new album around then too. Im excited, right now Im trying to find copies of his albums with the Marvelous 3, without much success.
Ill check out the bands you mentioned, Ive heard Stiff Little Fingers(Alternative Ulster was on of the first songs I learned on electric) before and I never thought they were too similar to Butch but Ill give it a go.
If your interested in Butch, check this place out: http://www.gnr.com.ar/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=walkatorium
Ill check out the bands you mentioned, Ive heard Stiff Little Fingers(Alternative Ulster was on of the first songs I learned on electric) before and I never thought they were too similar to Butch but Ill give it a go.
If your interested in Butch, check this place out: http://www.gnr.com.ar/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=walkatorium
# 14
Originally posted by Led Zeppelin
Im excited, right now Im trying to find copies of his albums with the Marvelous 3, without much success.
Try ebay man. I actually just went there to check it out and yeah they have CD's and other miscellaneous stuff by him and Marvelous 3. Pretty decent prices too, and I've bought stuff from there and it's kool.
Stiff Little Fingers is just a good band if your into any form of punk. Face to Face and Social Distortion are more like Butch than SLF, but not exactly. If your like guitar driven punk check out Strung out. Anything from Twisted by Design is awesome. "Virginia Madison" and "paperwalls" are my favorite. They do an awesome cover of "bark at the moon" too.
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.
# 15