Saving Your Ears

Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 03/05/00
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
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04/01/2000 5:21 am
Since I found out that I have Tinitus(neverending ringing sound in my ears)
I have been using double protection(Ear-pluggs + Ear-"gowns"). And I strongly advice everybody in a band to do the same.
And if you are listening to loud music in headphones you should be considering if it is worth a continius hiss noise in your ears for the rest of your life(Yes, there is no cure for Tinitus yet), So do yourself a favour, Turn down the volume!
/Johan Lindgren
# 1

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04/01/2000 4:49 pm
hi, I'm just wondering what those of you who have been playing for a while do to protect your ears. I just started playing a few months ago and I'm starting to have concerns about my hearing. We've all heard the warnings about listening to loud music, right? Well what about playing incredibly loud music while listening to it through stereo headphones? Point is, I'm beginning to worry I'm doing permanent damage. Any advice/opinions would be helpfull, thanks.
# 2

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04/01/2000 6:50 pm
Thanks a lot Johan, you may have saved my hearing.

Wait... I think it's too late. I can hear hissing

# 3
Kevin Taylor
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Kevin Taylor
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04/02/2000 3:45 pm
It's definitely a concern. I know my hearing's not what it should be, especially in things like crowded rooms. (there's nothing more embarrasing than having a girl say something to you at a party and having to go "wha??" all the time)
If I use headphones with lots of bass, my eardrums itch like crazy for days so that's telling me something. It's a constant battle though, deciding whether to protect your hearing or turn it up loud so you can get into the music.
# 4
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04/08/2000 4:04 am
It is becoming pretty common for musicians to use hearing protection when playing live (don't usually need any props when playing dead

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Sharp, Flat, I'm the one with the axe.
# 5

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09/14/2000 11:46 pm
It's been a few months since I first posted this, so I thought I'd re-open it now that we have more people.

Since the time of the first posting, I've noticed a decline in my hearing. Thing is, I dont' usually play it that loud, and when I do play it at a level I deem dangerous, I use ear plugs. What do the rest of you feel about hearing damage and do you use protection when practicing?
# 6
Guitar Tricks Moderator
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
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09/24/2000 12:33 am
This is something that worries me too, however, I'm still paranoid about not being able to hear what my band is doing while we're playing and especially what I'm playing in realation to the rest of the band when we're playing. All of you who have giged know exactly what I'm talking about.
Guitar Tricks Moderator

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