"I’m still not sure about the A minor pentatonic scale position one 5-8 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-8 5-8"
What exactly are you not sure about?
"Some backing tracks show chords played over this position but I do not understand how to play chords over the above scale positions."
There are many ways to play chords that work with that scale. You could just play an A minor chord since it's an A minor scale. Or you play a whole chord progression that uses chords in the key of A minor. Or you play a blues in A which uses dominant 7th chords (A7, D7, E7) while using the A minor pentatonic scale, which is a bluesy apporach of mixing major key harmonies with minor scale notes.
So there are many different ways to do this using different apporaches. Which specific backing tracks are you referring to?
"What I am interested in doing is playing a backing track over the above positions of Am pentatonic position one. And exactly what is In order to improvise with the above position how can this be done do you have any examples please."
This lesson covers how to just practice the entire A minor pentatonic scale in that position.
The next lesson is a backing track play along for that A minor pentatonic scale position.
But you don't have to use all the notes, all the time, all over that scale pattern. In fact many licks are just musical phrases using only part of that scale pattern.
These tutorials show how to make licks from only parts of that scale pattern.
"IF playing the second position of this pentatonic scale starting at [br]5-8[br]5-7[br]5-7[br]5-7[br]Would the same backing track be okay?"
Yes, if you are rerferring to staying in the A minor pentatonic scale but playing the next position up. This lesson covers that.
And the next lesson is a backing track play along with that pattern.
"Can you recommend specific backing tracks please as I am new to this."
Any of my tracks in jam station in the blues catagory & in the key of A or A minor.
"how do you play the first position of this scale with guitar tricks new jamming tool."
I cover that in the lesson linked above.
"If I play the A minor pentatonic scale at position two [br]The notes will be different to position one do I not need a different backing track to position one.The are many backing tracks in Am but there is no position for the scale given,[br]Initially I want to play position one then position two."
No, it's the same scale but with the notes played on a different fretboard position. I cover that in this tutorial.
"finally; how do you set a metronome for a rhythm of 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a"
That's a rhyhtm of 1/16th notes, but it does not specify the tempo. You need to know the tempo (the speed in Beats Per Minute) in order to set the metronome. So, it could be any tempo.
Hope that helps!
Christopher Schlegel
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