Hey. I've posted question on the site forum bt no replies. Anyone else noticed not all songs are listed under each artist. there's a few stones one's missing or example. Just wondering if there's a size limit to lists, a glitch, oversight or something I'm missing. Wondering if better to sesarch for songs by name in generic search engine rather than filter and hope don't miss songs that may be available all along.
Song lists by artist.
Hey. I've posted question on the site forum bt no replies. Anyone else noticed not all songs are listed under each artist. there's a few stones one's missing or example. Just wondering if there's a size limit to lists, a glitch, oversight or something I'm missing. Wondering if better to sesarch for songs by name in generic search engine rather than filter and hope don't miss songs that may be available all along.
That's a good observation. It looks like there might be a page list limit. I'll forward this to tech admin. Thanks!

Just go to artist's page, click on extension icon and click "Show all songs" button. After couple of seconds you will be redirected to new playlist with all songs of this artist.
I asked the tech admin about this & they confirmed it was a glitch that is now fixed.