View post (not progressing with acoustic :()

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Joined: 05/13/20
Posts: 364
Registered User
Joined: 05/13/20
Posts: 364
01/19/2023 11:44 am

I'm in a very similar position and timeframe to yourself . I started with an inexpensive fender squire electric and a small orange practice amp with headphones to ensure silent practice.  Then an inexpensive acoustic. Then a better parlour acoustic, very nice to play but unsurprisingly those dratted  chord changes didn't speed up. A better electric followed and another with a better practice amp. I stopped attempting to learn songs until I could get my changes better. I can now keep up with a couple of slower songs. Ed Sheeran  ,Perfect 75bpm.Stones Little Red Rooster Creedance and Sweet Home Alamamha in parts. I am now doing more, even parts of any songs after reading someone on the forum who advised breaking songs down in to parts you can accomplish so we are practicing skills away from scales and patterns eventually sticking with each song a little longer piece by piece . Undoubtedly electric is easier for fretting and some chord stretches but the manipulating between chords is much of a muchness. We are where we are and we do expect too much of ourselves. After 2 years consider any purchase of an electric set up as a just reward for keeping going and a useful motivation to yourself.  Main point is to keep persevering in our punishment/fun hobby.

p.s. I have just started private lessons with a local tutor. He was very complimentary about the foundation skills I have acquired from my GT lessons. 

Dave L
