Guitar neck shifting around- beginner

Hduenejsi so
Registered User
Joined: 11/29/22
Posts: 4
Hduenejsi so
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Joined: 11/29/22
Posts: 4
01/14/2023 3:17 am

I have a problem with the guitar neck and fret board moving up when I change chords. I try not to put to much weight from my right arm on the body of the guitar but that weight causes the guitar to rotate when I chord change. 

I have a 41 inch length guitar which I read is the usual for beginners. It does feel a little big but I think it's the right size for me to get used to. 

advice please on how to keep the fret board still. 


# 1
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01/14/2023 4:13 am

Is your guitar a Dreadnought acoustic?

Unless a 6' ecto, the classic Dreadnought's large full depth body is a PITA when played in the conventional seated position for anyone endo or meso of average proportionate build. Worse if shorter than average or have disproportionately shorter torso or arms.

Try using a guitar strap even when sitting.

That doesn't solve the bulky body discomfort problem, but as a workable kludge it will restrain the neck from dropping or moving about as much. 

The better solution is to buy a guitar which fits. e.g. Concert or Parlour body. Not a Dreadnought fan. Do like their sound, detest their fit.

# 2
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01/14/2023 3:19 pm

Hi Hduenejsi so,

1st guitar I had was a dreadnought (it's a bit beat up now but I still use it) and, initially, had a similar problem. There are a few things that might help - using a strap, and/or standing, using a foot rest - (along with a million gimmicks for sale which are probably rubbish). Back in the day I just percevered, now I'm comfortable with any guitar on my lap or standing (never tried one of those big Jazz things though). It may seem like a large obstacle now but if you stick with it, the movement will go away and you will become comfortable with the guitar. Think back to your 1st times on a bike/skateboard/driving a car or similar, and the discomfort involved at the time.

If you're worried about it you could try a one-on-one lesson with one of the tutors. Someone at your local guitar/instrument store will probably be more than happy to help too.

Hope this helps.



# 3

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