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This brings up an interesting discussion that I've wanted to bring up a number of times, but didn't really know how to phrase it. The topic of progress and how it differs for everyone. I'm just about three years in here, though I did take lessons in my twenties and then regrettably stopped completely for a number of decades. Some things just seem to come easy for some and not for others. It isn't just learning the guitar, but learning what type of guitar player you want to be.
For me, learning to play lead has always been a struggle. The bends, the slides, the doublestops, all that tonal technique that it caused me to sell my Tele as I just didn't feel like I was connecting with it. It was an inexpensive Squire so no big loss. I've got a few licks under my belt, but it just doesn't resonate with me that I seldom practice them. Yet fingerpicking on the acoustic came easy. I also have a lot of internal rythym so strumming and even arpeggiating I don't struggle with much. I've never used a metronome yet my timing is pretty good as well when I play along with song tracks.
Perhaps, I was born to be a rythym player which is fine cause that's what I enjoy, and lets face it at our age this really is more of a fun hobby instead of a career change, but it took me a while to figure this out. I was 'noodling' around in so many areas thinking I had to know it all instead of focusing in the areas I am strong at to be better at it so as to take on more challenges. That's not to say we shouldn't dive out of our comfort zones once in a while. Like Jim said learning is the journey, but just fiddling or "piddlin" around with various things probably doesn't amount to much either. IMHO. No matter Guitartricks has been a godsend to me in where I've come in those three years. I know there is so much more to learn and I look forward to seeing where my journey will continue.
Well sorry for the longwinded chime. I hope everyones journey is rewarding and successfull in wherever you decide to take this endeavor.
P.S. I suck at golf also. lol