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Guitar Tricks Admin
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Joined: 09/28/05
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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Joined: 09/28/05
Posts: 3,523
11/08/2022 12:42 am
#1 Originally Posted by: robtarin

If I am a brand new player, do I just follow the path that is sent out or would I benefit from a specialized program just for me?

Hi Rob, we concur with Moe! 

We always suggest beginners start with the fundamentals level 1 and then move on to 2. When the lessons get a bit more difficult, then you would know to take more time and focus on the skills taught.  You can repeat any lesson as needed.  You can loop sections of the video to fully master the concept taught.

Also, it's handy to note that you can always search for any term with the search tool (the magnifying glass icon in the upper right hand corner of the home page) to locate any specific terms or techniques you are looking to focus in on.

Remember if you have any further need of assistance, don't hesitate to contact us.  We're always here to help!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.