I have never failed to fail
School Sucks

At my school we have a music club. And this spring we are putting on a concert. That sounds cool, but there's one thing. The teacher (and by teacher I mean art teacher he's the one who helped get the club started and we use his room and he play guitar) said that Viruana (sounds like NIRVANA maybe?) was the ones that it would revolve around. Because their singer/guitarist who sounds like a little b**** can't play for s***. Serisouly everyone knows he sucks it's just that the art teacher taught him to play and you know. I usually don't say that anyone sucks but damn, he doesn't really know what he's doing. Sound like crap to anyone?
I have never failed to fail
I have never failed to fail
# 1
Some songs just can't be fixed, but if the material is basically good, you can work with that by playing it better than whazzisname.
And don't get into a pissing match with the teacher. If he's determined to bring his personal bias into the picture, argument is not going to be persuasive. Building a school concert around a former student sounds like a major ego-trip for the teacher.
And don't get into a pissing match with the teacher. If he's determined to bring his personal bias into the picture, argument is not going to be persuasive. Building a school concert around a former student sounds like a major ego-trip for the teacher.
# 2
Originally posted by Lordathestrings
And don't get into a pissing match with the teacher.
This is really good advice, only fight battles you can win !
Dude, If you don’t like it, start your own...band / concert whatever.....
When I was at school (in the late middle ages), I was in several bands and all of them were loads of fun ! We fell on our asses, broke strings, made people unhappy with out horrible under rehearsed racket and it was great ! We didn’t have any support from any of the teachers (who were eventually pleased to get rid of us) however that didn’t stop us.
If you want to do it, well do it ! Don’t break any laws, but still do it !
Best of luck !
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 3

Thanks. I am in a band but I don't know if they wanna play in it. I really want to. So I guess I'll try another band.
I have never failed to fail
I have never failed to fail
# 4

I'm with Dr_Simon ....I'm getting up there in years....no school for me - I hated it too. If you're Art teacher wants to play an ensemble of Air Supply tunes, oh well, live with it. Life is short, it'll be over soon - school I mean...I played in lots of bands, and we always had a ball...even when we played crap. Rock on dude.
...another toy, to help destroy, the elder race of man
# 5