View post (While the 'civilized world' looked elsewhere...)

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Joined: 05/26/03
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Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
08/26/2003 12:07 pm
posted by PonyOne: "and marijuana is worse than a regular filtered Marb for your lungs (it's just that it's hard to smoke as many joints as it is cigarettes)"

You indeed did compare cannabis to tobacco...

Anyway,sorry if my post came of as an "I accept your challenge" kinda thing.Worded that wrong.And you did say somthing about a concentrated pill so hats off to that too.

Just a strange fact:cannabis seed has one of the highest protien content in the world...even higher than soy.

I know I'm draging this on,but I really am curious as to why you(and others)possibly "dislike"(that may be the wrong word)cannabis.I dont base my life around it in ANY way,and have never been a pot head.I simply found out that everything that my D.A.R.E officer,teachers,parents,friends parents and other authority ever told me about cannabis was a lie(it will kill you,ruin your life e.c.t).The government for the past 60 years has turned its back on the plant for profit.Its insane.Is it a substance that when abused like any other material in our life can lead to bad things/events?Of course.I could eat to much candy and rot my teeth out and have a belly ach,but its consumed with common sense among responsible people...and abused by others.When cannabis comes to mind people dont think of buisness men in suits,lawyers,doctors and other people generally respected in life.They think of low lifes,losers,drug addicts and other bottom of the barrel persons in society.Its the way we all were raised(with some phenominal exeptions)to associate materials,events,spiritualistic,and almost all tangible things with different internal biases towards humankind.There are many buisness men and high profile employees that use cannabis...but they dont come to mind often.Another strange fact:somthing like 3 out of 5 dentists use cannabis...think about the next time your getting your teeth cleaned.Anyway...

In the end,the only bad thing about cannabis i have found is...its illegal.Makes me laugh when I hear "land of the free".At least canada is moving in the right direction.

This post isnt completley TARGETED at you PonyOne...its simply a reply.I agree with you about the water.I think if americans drank the 10 ounces of water a day recommended,it would be a thinner,healthier country.

LATER! \m/

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