A question???

If i study 2-4 hours a day (1 hour chromatic minor - major scales)- (1 hour hammer-on pull off)and 1 and over improvising and solos from metal bands(everything with a metronome)..Is it worth to do this in order to be be a better guitarist??? What progress i am going to have???
# 1

You will be doing just fine on that. But it's also depends on how much u put in (the effort) when practicing. And also take note of your pace.
You will be doing just fine on that. But it's also depends on how much u put in (the effort) when practicing. And also take note of your pace.
*Speed is nothing without control*
# 2

Sadroman - do you have the basics down ? Pents and all ? Blues ? If you're still struggling with the basics, stay away from the scales/modes - only of use to really advamced players. But if you are that advanced...I can't comment...never made it that far....never really wanted to...never use it.
...another toy, to help destroy, the elder race of man
# 3

If you keep up the good work you´ll get far but by far I don´t mean that it´s 100% that you´ll get famous because seriously I think none of us guys will while we are shreddin´. If we change our music style and try playn´ pop our new metal s*hi*t, than maby but than again who gives a damn.
Zakk Wylde said, I nevr thought of fame, I just played and to see how good I can´t get and today I´m broke and nowone knows a thing ´bout me.
He was almost right except those last lines.
Zakk Wylde said, I nevr thought of fame, I just played and to see how good I can´t get and today I´m broke and nowone knows a thing ´bout me.
He was almost right except those last lines.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 4