On Tuesday, I am going to select the winner of the Metal Zone contest.
There is one more contest coming up. I can give away something up to $100.
What should it be?
metal zone giveaway
# 1

The 286 Sonic Maximizer is now $99 and it sounds great. It doesn't have all the functions of the higher models but it's great for bringing out harmonics and other sounds that usually aren't as bright on the guitar. If you need any more info. on it just email me and I'll find something for you.
BadHorsie, holdin' it down like Gravity!
BadHorsie, holdin' it down like Gravity!
Ain't nothin' but a Gear thang, baby!
# 2

Kramer Pacers (alder strat-style body, 2 humbuckers, strat style trem, bolt on neck, 3 way selector switch, etc.) are $99 at www.musicyo.com (the pacer is like a high end spec starter guitar, on par with stuff like $300 LTD guitars).
# 3
how about some of these (or one) EMG-81 pickups that everyone is raving about?
ok, i'm not really the eggman
ok, i'm not really the eggman
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 4

How about just letting the prize be the $100.
That way who ever gets it can get what they want for $100.
That way who ever gets it can get what they want for $100.
When attempting the impossible, you achieve the best possible
# 5

NO DAMN!T! I said Sonic Maximizer! Sonic Maximizer! Sonic Maximizer! What's the matter with you people? Can't you read? No, really though, if you guys check out the specs on this baby you'll know exactly what I'm talkin' about. Not saying that any of you're guys' ideas are bad, though. It's just that everyone in here, most likely, already has a good guitar and EMGs' aren't the kind of sound that everyone wants, although I like them. But with the Sonic Maximizer it doesn't matter what you play, because it will sound a whole lot nicer with the Maximizer hooked up in your rig.
BadHorsie, holdin' it down like Gravity!
BadHorsie, holdin' it down like Gravity!
Ain't nothin' but a Gear thang, baby!
# 6
If one of us hosers in Canada wins eh...can we have whatever the value of $100 U.S. buys up here? Like...could I get the cool prize plus a weeks worth of groceries with the money left over from the exchange rate?
# 7
And what about us Brits?! (and Europeans)...Nah, make it another prize...The only that springs to my mind is the Zoom707...although I don't know if that's under $100...It's £99, I can't remember if that makes it about $75 of about $125....hmmmmmmm......Never mind, ignore me...so much easier
Don't worry too much about me, ignore me long enough and I'll go away.
# 8

I gotta say that Sonic Maximiser sounds pretty good as a price here.
Giving away a 100$ guitar isnt what people want i think, neither does everyone want those EMG pickups, cause pickups are really a matter of personal preference.
Giving away a 100$ guitar isnt what people want i think, neither does everyone want those EMG pickups, cause pickups are really a matter of personal preference.
# 9

# 10

# 11

Originally posted by loner92:
Is the Sonic Maximizer a rackmount preamp? I'm not really sure what the thing is.
Its not a pre amp, thats for sure.
Since i cant explain what it is, check out http://www.bbesound.com/, it only has info on the newer models, but they fo the same.
Look for the 362.
# 12
I have a program that will generate a random number between 1 and 323.
It is at www.guitartricks.com/rand.php
So to select a winner, I'm going to
1. click that page for a random number.
2. check which user that is.
3. see if the user is on the bad-email/bogus-user list.
4. if the user is good, procede, if not, go back to step 1.
4. come back here and tell you who won.
It is at www.guitartricks.com/rand.php
So to select a winner, I'm going to
1. click that page for a random number.
2. check which user that is.
3. see if the user is on the bad-email/bogus-user list.
4. if the user is good, procede, if not, go back to step 1.
4. come back here and tell you who won.
# 13
SJ wins the metalzone! Congrats to SJ.
# 14
SJ? never heard of him before... you sure he's an active user? oh man... i'm crushed, I really thought I had it this time.
# 15

man, who is this sj? this sucks i thought i won also. well congratulations sj, you lucky son-of-a-gun you.
"Take my hand boss"
# 16

oh, just saw his name he's a one commenter. and i've been busting my hump everyday at this forum, and this is the thanks i get. Lord!!! when is my reward gonna come.
"Take my hand boss"
# 17

# 18

If the BE is go enough for Marty Friedman, Dave Mustaine, Bruce Kulick, Steve Vai, and Joe Satriani, it's good enough for me(although I'm still not totally sure what the thing is, I just sort of know what it does).
# 19

# 20