Hi. Wondering why gt is getting teachers to rehash old lessons rather than do new ones for us? A few this year are simply existing lessons redone and now Dave has gone to the effort of doing blackbird again?????? Caren already did that lesson and it's really good. Waste of subs surely when there's so many song lesson requests that don't make it. I wait for Dave to finally do a new exclusive lesson for us subscribers after spending more time dishing out free stuff on Facebook and we get given same song by different teacher. Come on gt!

Hi. Wondering why gt is getting teachers to rehash old lessons rather than do new ones for us? A few this year are simply existing lessons redone and now Dave has gone to the effort of doing blackbird again?????? Caren already did that lesson and it's really good. Waste of subs surely when there's so many song lesson requests that don't make it. I wait for Dave to finally do a new exclusive lesson for us subscribers after spending more time dishing out free stuff on Facebook and we get given same song by different teacher. Come on gt!
I agree completely. I don't understand it either. All we get is one song a week and half of them are either made easy versions of songs already on site or same songs by different teachers. And also they used to add at least 2 songs a week and know we can't even get 1 new one. It's frustrating!
Rick Gordon
Come back from free Facebook and provide what wed pay for to be here. Point of difference from free sites is the exclusive ongoing content surely! š¤
Agreed. Dave's lesson is good, but so was Lisa's. So why do it again? I can see doing an easy and advanced lesson of the same song. But these two lessons are close to being identical.
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All I can think of is that whoever makes the song lesson decisions doesn't know this site as well as us and didn't realise it's already there? Nothing else stacks up.

Tinpan, it could be that they are just upgrading the technology by redoing previous tutorials. I recall that being given as a reason in the past. I have noticed that Christopher has redone some of his classical guitar tutorials as they were becoming quite old (10 plus years I believe). Maybe the new website is forcing the issue on some old tutorials.
Hi All,
We have been publishing reshoots as we would like to keep up with video quality standards. Since a lot of the popular tutorials were shot before we had 4k cameras, we are maintaining the site's quality with reshooting those lessons. We will start to publsih the new lessons each week outside of these reshoots. Thanks for your feedback, it helps us keep the site maintained at its best possible!
Jumped on Jim's reasoning there. I've watched and learned Karen's blackbird and nothing at all wrong with it. Keep moving forward please, with such limited resources why put them into rehashing what we've already bought.