Where are song lesson requests....

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09/29/2022 10:33 pm


Starting new thread...think question overlooked in other thread of all the recent issues.  Where has the song lesson requests gone?  Disappeared after 'upgrade'.



# 1
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10/03/2022 9:01 am

Hello? Anybody?

# 2
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10/04/2022 9:23 am

OK assume this feature has been removed?


# 3
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10/04/2022 11:31 am

I looked around & also could not find it.  I'm guessing you are correct that it was removed.

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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# 4
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10/04/2022 1:41 pm

From my perspective, it was never a real way to get the songs you wanted.  Rather, it was a blow by valve for the pressure that results when bean counters buy up the rights to copyrights and manage them like pork bellies or automobiles...  you get Porky the Edsel decisions about access to our clutural heritage.  A buta, a buta, abuta... thats all folks.

Captcha is a total pain in the........

# 5
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10/04/2022 2:11 pm

It seems they also deleted the ablity to edit a previous post.  Oh well ...At least illusive clowns, hawing mass produced, term papers for sale,  are still ascendent!.  "Don't ask them what they think of you...They might not give the answer that you wanted them to" (appologies to Peter Green).

Captcha is a total pain in the........

# 6
Guitar Tricks Admin
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10/04/2022 9:10 pm

Hi Guys, we had to get this page back up and running. Here is the link to the song request form: https://guitartricks.typeform.com/to/rmHzhK?f=58

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
# 7
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10/04/2022 10:53 pm

OK thanks for reply. It's always been last link in forums so where is it now without having to save a link?

Nice use of the mighty Peter Green Sno'!  Out of respect I'm going to keep requesting The Supernatural..that would be a cool case study.

# 8
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10/06/2022 12:15 am

Hey admin. When will you be fixing the song requests?  The forums filling up with a bunch of technical issues for subscribers since the upgrade...same thing happened last time...just soooo many issues. Need to hire some testers before rolling out upgrades maybe? Pretty average really and not what we should be experiencing for the $$$ we pay.

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10/10/2022 7:28 am

I can help them for FREE even with my super limited free time. I mean I spend most of my free time here anyway but practising/learning. But the site is such a mess that I wonder if they roll a dice and just go with it wheter it's good or bad.


I really do want to help or at least make some polls... people would gladly participate and chime in with ideas, directions, etc.


If feels like some kid's private sandpit where he trashes everything round when he feels like it... 


Really... I am super greatful for the site because I have learnt so much (with my own hard work of course, but still I don't think I would do it without the site) but the quality of its functionality is similar to youtube + some free tabs at best...

All I use are lessons and forum. PC only and rarely if ever both work without hickups... 


# 10
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10/10/2022 7:30 pm

And still the question is hanging there ignored.

# 11
Adam Alicki
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Adam Alicki
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10/11/2022 8:06 pm

Hey @Tinpan,

We've just added this feature back, you should be able to find the request button at the bottom of the forum homepage.

Alternatively, you can access our request form here - https://guitartricks.typeform.com/to/rmHzhK

Thank you for your patience and keep the suggestions coming!

Adam Alicki - Web Developer

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# 12
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10/12/2022 1:17 am

Great thanks Adam.

Boy you must have your hands full cleaning up.

# 13

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