I really have to go with what everybody else has said, but I think I can add some here. Like what Azreal said, it is definitely a trial and error process and every recording is different. If you want a good signal, you definitely need a parametric EQ, or at least a sweepable Mid range. You guitar should sound good just coming out of the amp first before you start EQ. The last thing you want to do fustrate yourself trying to fix something that you can fix with your effect's processor or amp. When EQ'in with a effect processor or amp, just get the sound you like best, don't worry about the EQ specs yet. For they will be meaningless if the guitar tone itself is crap.
Now once you have a nice tone from the guitar. If your miking the amp, set the EQ to a flatline and then move the mic around until you find a sound you like. Then start with the EQ process. There is no perfect recipe for getting a great sound on EQ, this is above all based on personally taste. But what you want, like Azreal said is a nice pure and full transparent sound when you record. First thing you should probably look at is the frequency of roughly 200 HZ, this is where all the cloudy signal is found. Use your sweepable mid range here. Your going to want to decrease the gain here, but not too much cause you don't want to effect the nearby FREQ. of 100 hz and 500hz. I think -2 or -4 is good enough. If you have EQ width control (Q), you can probably decrease the gain moreusing a narrower bandwidth. Actaully it's encouraged. Where to go next is your call, but I would start working on the freq.'s around 125-150hz, 500hz, 3-4khz, and 10khz. Each targets a specific quality to the guitar sound.
100hz - the warmth of the guitar
500hz - the body of the guitar
3-4k - is the edge of the guitar, careful here cause too much will cause it sound "very bad". +2 or +4 is usually enough.
If you need more of the pick hitting the strings go for 5-7khz(careful), and clarity is about 10khz.
When doing the recording EQ, you basically want to boost all the frequecies as needed to about -4 dec. before clipping occurs. This will give you a more powerful signal. If you use compressor, I say added compressor then mess with the EQ.
When doing the mix, here's a rough EQ arrangement for traditional instruments:
60 - 100hz - bass guitar
100hz - bass drum and maybe low-end of snare
200hz - over-all cut
250-500hz - low-end vocals (esp. males)
500hz - balance guitar and the resonance of the drums
800hz - bass guitar
900hz - cut for vocals
1khz - snare drum
2khz - bass guitar with alittle snare
3khz - guitar edge (not too much) along with stick on hi-hat
4-5khz - snare, vocals, little guitar by it should be rolling off by this point.
7khz - cut vocals
8 - 10khz - cymbals, little snare and guitar for clarity
10 and above - cymbals
Also, try boosting slightly between 12-15khz on vocals. It will give the vocals a better sense on the mix.
Again, this is only a point in the right direction. Using these exclusively isn't going to make your mix great. But I use this as a starting point for the over-all mix. Cause a good mix is from making all the instruments balanced and since some have the same freguencies. Some parts you have to use for one more than another. But you want a good over-all picture of everything. But this should help greatly.
[Edited by noticingthemistake on 02-13-2003 at 04:24 PM]
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.