Help finding the scale

Jay Pham
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Jay Pham
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09/03/2022 8:12 pm


I'm currently working on writing solo with my ears but encountered some problems.

I can't determine what kind of scale is that (0:08 to 0:11). Is that a D minor scale?

Thank you for your kind replies.

# 1
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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09/04/2022 2:22 pm
Originally Posted by: Jay Pham

I can't determine what kind of scale is that (0:08 to 0:11). Is that a D minor scale?

That's D melodic minor starting on the leading tone C# because he's playing over the V chord at that point (V of D minor). The rhythm is beats 3 & 4 using 1/16th note triplets.







That's a nice line following the chord changes. The chord at that moment is A major. When the high F note happens the chord is D minor. So, it's a temporary tonicization of the D minor chord. Because once the the D minor arrives it becomes the (ii) chord.

D (ii) / G (V) / C (I) - G/B (V) / A (V of ii) /

At :20 of the video is the next time that A chord arrives & he plays a nice D harmonic minor line! And that's why he lands on a C# at :33, too.

Hope that helps!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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Jay Pham
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Jay Pham
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09/05/2022 4:15 pm

Thank you, Mr.Schlegel.[br]No wonder when I tried both A major or D minor they all sounded okay.

Totally understood, guess that I will be back on the drawing board now and keep practicing.

Once again, I can't thank you enough for your help over the past 2 years.

# 3
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09/05/2022 11:53 pm

You're welcome!

Originally Posted by: Jay Pham

No wonder when I tried both A major or D minor they all sounded okay.[/quote][p]Right! Both have elements that are part of what you need at that spot. :)

[quote=Jay Pham]Once again, I can't thank you enough for your help over the past 2 years.

Hey, thanks. I appreciate the positive feedback and I'm glad you are enjoying playing and.making progress.

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

Christopher Schlegel Lesson Directory
# 4

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