That zoom 505 pad ....

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02/08/2003 3:22 pm

Anyone of you guys have a zoom 5050 pad and are able to get a good sound when recording direct to the computer.

I can't mike my gear since I live in an appartment, so I got to record direct. Thus far I wasn't able to get a good distortion sound.

I got a tascam US-224 and it's really good for accoustic but even going through the tascam my pad distortion is really bad. (ask Schmange :) )

I got myself a used Red Box Cabinetulator to soften the whole thing, should get it the next week. I'll see what it does but have you guys been able to work a good sound with the zoom.

I'm not able to get myself a new pad (was looking at the yamaha DGstomp) right now so I got to find a solution.

Here's part of a solo from one of my project song. You'll see what I mean. Cut and paste the link in your browser.

Thanks for the feedbacks
# 1

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02/08/2003 11:24 pm

The DGStomp by yamaha as a build-in pre-amp.

I was looking at buying a line-6 but with the DGstomp you can use it live.

It's really made though for computer recording and live gigs.

But like I said, ain't got the money :) it's around 650 $ canadian.

I have cubase and it does have a lot of plug-ins, maybe I can find one that will help me. As far as distortion goes I'm not sure if it has such plug-ins. Might have to live witht he sound and rerecord later with a new pad. At least I'll get my ideas on disk.
# 2
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02/09/2003 3:18 pm
Loved you sound byte man !

I see what you mean with the guitar tone though !
I have 3 ways of recording direct and I like 'em all.

1) Line6 POD. This is my fave and I love it to bits. You can also use the Pod live by plugging it into either the front of your amp or into the effects loop. I havenā€™t done this my self however I hear it sounds great!

2) Digitech GNX2 into the desk via a S/PDIF connection. Not as nice as the pod but ok for metal/ Punk. Has a Whammy also !!

3) Ibanez Tube screamer direct into the desk (you might want to use some delay with this). This sounds OK but it is too gentle for your average metal-head

I like all three but the POD is the winner hands down

[Edited by Dr_simon on 02-09-2003 at 12:52 PM]
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# 3
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02/10/2003 1:10 pm
There are some distortion effects in the Cubase but IMO they're worth a ****. I have Zoom 505 myself that I use to record direct with the Cubase. I agree that the sounds are horrible BUT It's better to use the Zoom alone than to use it with an amp. I can get decent sounds by using the Cubase's EQ and the Zoom. I'd still recommend to go with the Line6 guitarport though...

# 4
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02/11/2003 12:15 am
Hummmm I have problems with the Line 6 guitar port !
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# 5

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02/11/2003 4:08 am

Well, slowly getting there :)

here's a oh-not-so-finished mix of a project song. Schmange already heard this and I took your davice and work on getting a cleaner sound.

I realised I had a lot of noise even on the accoustic when I tried the speaker simulator fomr Cubase. Got ride of lots of hums with that one.

I basically took the tracks one at a time and run them through a few plug-ins.

distortion is better but not the way I want it.

feedbacks are welcome but keep in mind this is not a finish product :)

Thanks guys

# 6

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