It's an interesting thing, timing/rhythm it's one of those things that can mess with your brain. it plays on both logic and creativity. . . it ends up on both sides of the fence. You can count it, like counting into a song or keeping time, but you can also feel it almost like a heart beat or a pulse.
So when you were playing along with God Of Thunder, you were ahead of the beat, which you know cause you recognised it, try to slow down your chord changes, so wait just a bit longer before you play the next chord in the song, you'll be able to hear/feel it when it's on. Ends up being whatever works for you cause everybody learns a different way and you have to find that connection where it makes sense to you! Hope this helps or atleast maybe gives you another way to think about it.
oh that age thing, don't let that bother you I got you by more than a few years ;)