Originally Posted by: Gino0603Now going trough the fundamentals again because i had the feeling that i rushed them the first time.[/quote][p]That's a good idea for a refresher. What is your skill level? Can you play all the basic open chords? Barre chords? Single note lines for melodies, riffs, bass lines to connect chords? Those are the basic skills you will need to play most songs.
[quote=Gino0603] What my problem really is is i want to learn songs. But cant figure out what songs fits my skill level and i like a wide variety on styles depending om my mood. I like metal, rock , blues even some pop songs.
JeffS65 gave you the best advice: take the time to learn some songs that inspire you.
[br]Your best bet here is the Made Easy option.
Most of these songs are simplified versions using open chords with some barre chords (which you are going to have to learn eventually anyway). If there is a section with a single string melody, riff or part that is too difficult for you, then:
1. Substitute something simpler. Just play a simple chord that represents the part. But play it in time.
2. Skip it & count to keep time until you can jump back in. That's great practice for timing, too.
I did this many times when I was learning to play. I would gradually add parts as I learned new techniques & improved my skill. I encourage all my students to do it!
Don't let it stop you that you can't play every last part in the whole song.
Play along with whatever you are able. Substitute something simpler to keep playing in time with the song. But it's absolutely essential to get used to playing a whole song form in time all the way through. It's how you develop your sense of rhythm, how you memorize the sections of the song (the song form), who you develop a repertoire of songs you can play.
Start now, pick a song, learn a way to play through the whole thing. Have fun!
Hope this helps!
Christopher Schlegel
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