Probably for reasons of copyright, none of the songs made hits and famous by the late Ricky Nelson in the last years of the 1950s through early '60s are taught here despite there being a significant audience of late starters on Guitar Tricks who might be familiar with them having grown up during that period with them playing on the radio, or older brothers and sisters playing his records as was my experience. [br][br]Reason for posting. For those starting out, pleasing to the ear as they were as commercially appealing as Ricky was to every teenage girl not legally blind,[u] most of his big hits have a fairly straightforward open chord structure any beginner with a couple of months exposure to Guitar Tricks under their belt should be able to attempt to play easily enough[/u], but which present a great vehicle e.g. for developing musicality. [br][br][br][u]How to play[br][/u][br]"It's Up To You" (1962). key of D. This one is simple enough to learn with a little persistence. Just one barre chord, Bm, which you can sub with open Bm if necessary. Even its short but pretty and effective solo (bridge) is simpler than it at first might appear. Transpose to G for an easier chord progression version if if preferred.[br][br]Others worth a visit if the style appeals and you're looking for easy songs to play on acoustic within early capability are;[br][br] "Poor Little Fool" (1958) key of C and,
"Travellin' Man" (1961) key of D[br][br]Although the latter does use Bm & F#m barre chords, both are pretty easy.[br][br]Enjoy![br][br][br][br][br][br][br][br]