Alright, I was reading what it took to be a host here at your wonderful site and I saw your wanted a more varied style base...So I got thinking, what about a actual LESSON section or somethig...Actually help teach styles as well as just the licks? There are some very talented guitarist already host here (Yourself, Johan, Magnus spring to mind - and everyone else, of course, I simply couldn't think of you at this moment in time...sorry!)...I'm sure they'd be able to write a few lessons...The sort of whole page type thing, the things you couldn't really fit into those contribution spaces....It's just a thought, I'm sure there are plenty of players here who'd like to try their hand at helping others, I know I'd like to give it a go...
So, there you go...Just a thought....
Don't worry too much about me, ignore me long enough and I'll go away.