Originally Posted by: john of MTI've had a breakthrough. Over the years I've often noticed that I often hit a plateau in my practice and then, boom!... theres a breakthrough to another level of 'expertise'. But, I digress.
The big realization today was that I've been keeping time, i.e., toe tapping, with the wrong foot. I've found that the left foot is the right foot. Oh, the improvement! Scales and riffs roll off my fingers because my fingers don't roll off the fretboard anymore because I toe tap so much better. The playing is more fluid and on beat when toe tapping with the right foot, i.e., the left foot. But, that's not to say there are no problems.
The pain! So much pain! How long will it take to build up calluses like I have on my right foot? When will the hurt go away? And, what if keeping time with the left foot doesn't work out over time? What if the step I'm taking with my left foot which I've found to be the right foot doesn't lead me down the path to better guitar playing? My left foot toes are fatter than average, the big toe often gets in the way of the other toes. And the toes are short, too. Are there stretching exercises that can help improve toe tapping? Can I expect improvement over time or will my short, fat toes forever trip up high-speed toe tapping? How long does it take to get really good at toe tapping after one changes feet? Oh... are there songs recommended for after one changes toe tapping feet?
That's not the worst of it. I am now concerned that I went through lessons taught on acoustic guitar while playing electric. Similarly, I completed a bunch of lessons taught on electric while playing acoustic. Worst of all... I did 'em all while toe tapping with the right foot which turned out to be the wrong foot. Should I start over?
One good thing I recently discovered. I buffed my fingernails one night and the next morning my notes were much brighter. So, there's that.
Happy April to all of GT!
p.s. could we get some lessons for songs in the easy listening muzak genre? that stuff is da bomb! and... what's with all of the music theory, all of a sudden? after all this time hasn't anything been proven?
Well that was most entertaining john. [br][br]But just to throw a spanner into the works, have a bo peep at this vid from 1963. [br][br]Watch George's and John's feet in particular, both guitarists, both right handed vs left handed Paul playing bass tapping the same foot as John. Right foot, left foot, any foot will do as long as it's good for you! Paul, John & George (RIP) ought to have known. Oh the conundrum. Oh, and Cheers. Happy April 1st. April 2nd here.