Hi, I am ken. I am recently semi retired and have always wanted to play guitar and just never had or made the time. I am using guitar tricks and also have a weekly online teacher lesson. I started mid January. I know several chords, but changing in time is still a struggle as is getting the fingers to not mute strings when doing something like the c major chord. I am committed to being successful. I practice at least 30 min per day. Would love to hear from anyone concerning suggestions to overcoming hurdles or just encouragement.
New Beginner here
Hi Ken
Sounds like you are well on your way. I think the main thing to do is have fun. For me it's all about the journey. The chord changes come with repetition of "landing" the chord. eventually you will be able to do these things without thinking but there will be something else that challenges you. [br][br]
These forums are excellent as you are able to see and hear about issues and successes that others experience.
best of luck.
Thank you for the encouragement. It is a journey and I have always wanted fast results. This is an exercise in patience for sure!
Hi Ken! I recently joined to finally play guitar. I too have always wanted to play and am finally getting to it. Guitar Tricks has been amazing so far. I'm currently in the same boat as you as far as the struggles you mention. I'm learning to take it slow and practice everyday. I do see improvement and just continue to be patient with learning. I work with numerous people who have been playing for years and they all tell me the samething that getting better and overcoming the struggles will get better as long as I put in the time to practice. If there is one thing I'm also learning from these lessons, it is trying to be patient. Good luck on your journey here.
Hey Ken,
You might try some two chord songs. The group America had a few and there is a bunch of old blues stuff that lays it down in two and sometimes even just one chord, the player plays and vocally riffs over.
Sound like you're on the right track and have a good practice ethic.
Here's a thought - perhaps set a practice target other than time. Maybe a particular task - like picking the first half of a scale, or the first few bars of the chorus of a favorite song.
Main thing is to hang in there and have fun.