Minor rocking movement back and forth of either humbucker when pressed on either side of their pivot is entirely normal. [br][br]From as you describe it, it sounds like the front humbucker has simply been adjusted to sit higher than the rear. Most likely reason, for the purpose of desired/spec string clearance.[br][br]Under their aesthetic plastic frame cover, humbuckers are located in situ by being secured to the body by bolt which passes through a metal tab on each side of the humbucker baseplate. Under this, between the tab and the guitar body is a tension spring. Humbucker height is raised or lowered and leveled axially across the strings by loosening or tightening the bolts, which subsequently reduces or increases spring tension. [br][br]If the humbucker is adjusted to sit quite high from the body the spring tension will be low and the humbucker will more easily be rocked back and forth around that pivot when pressed with a finger. Otherwise it's a static object unless that force is applied which doesn't occur in playing.[br][br]Sounds like your rear humbucker has most likely been adjusted to sit closer to the body with a subsequent higher spring tension preventing it from being as easily rocked around that same pivot. I suspect that if you press it as you do the neck, perhaps wilth a little more applied force, you will actually see some movement even if miniscule. [br][br]If both are properly adjusted within string clearance spec or optimised for pickup input characteristics, it's fine. [br][br]Was the guitar given a pre-delivery setup by the dealer, or is it OOTB ex-factory? [br][br]If in doubt, take it to your guitar tech/luthier and have the pickup to string clearances checked for spec. and tweaked to optimum by ear for desired response.[br][br]Congrats on your new axe.