Better descriptions on the favorites???!!!!

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02/28/2022 7:41 pm

Hi, when I mark something as a favorite the descvripion is very vague.

For example I favorite part of a song and the title on my favorites list

just says "verse" or "chorus". This is not clear as to what the favorite is.

A better description would be "AC/DC Highway to Hell": Verse



# 1
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02/28/2022 9:31 pm

Great post. I have exactly that issue rendering a lot of my favourites useless. Find myself just searching again rather than sifting through generic favourite descriptions. Only way I can see around it is to favourite the welcome section of the song and then drill down from there. Being able to edit favourite descriptions would be a massive help.

# 2
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03/01/2022 2:50 am
Originally Posted by: stevelaba

Hi, when I mark something as a favorite the descvripion is very vague.

For example I favorite part of a song and the title on my favorites list

just says "verse" or "chorus". This is not clear as to what the favorite is.

A better description would be "AC/DC Highway to Hell": Verse



This is a very good idea

# 3
Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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03/01/2022 6:19 pm

Hey all,

I can definetly see how that would be confusing. I will pass this off to our developers. The more clarity, the easier it is to naviagte the site. Thanks for sending in your feedback!!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
# 4

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