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Joined: 12/26/17
Posts: 44
Full Access
Joined: 12/26/17
Posts: 44
02/25/2022 3:17 am

I gave up on barre chords for a while. I know it's a powerful tool but i could never get it. Then one day, completely by accident, there was no more "plunk" on the g. Ironically, I was taking a 5 minute break between work calls and piddling while catching up on the local news on TV. For whatever reason my barre was good and I was able to repeat it.

Not perfected yet but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm sure there are more structured approaches but my advice would be to keep practicing but pick up the guitar while you are watching the tv and work on the barre. [br][br]

Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck.