Originally Posted by: flowzine.netHi ! I love Guitar Tricks and i want to thank everyone for making my dream of playing the guitar come true ![br]I completed Guitar Fundamentals Level 1, and then went off to learn and play songs freely for a few months. I can now play different songs and have fun.
I play mostly my acourstic guitar/
My question is : do I have to go through Guitar Fundamentals Level 2 before moving on to Acoustic Style lessons Level 1 ?
Or is the content of Guitar Fundamentals 2 covered in Acoustic Style Lessons 1 ?
Thank you !
Complete the fundemental pathway before continuing. Go through it as fast you're comfortable. Theyre [u]fundamental[/u] because it needs to be know by all guitarists.
What is a meaning of fundamental?[br]1 : forming or relating to the most important part of something : basic The Constitution ensures our fundamental rights. There's a fundamental difference between these two political parties. a fundamental truth/concept/belief.