View post (Need info on hammer and pulloffs [frustarted])

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Joined: 06/21/21
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Registered User
Joined: 06/21/21
Posts: 360
02/03/2022 8:41 am

You woiuld need to use different fingers to play some of these:

The Following --- > 2 3 2 or 12 14 16 or 13 11 9[br]or 0 4 0 or 3 4 3 4 3 4 or 5 6 7 8 or 8 7 6 5

2 3 2 is simple - hold down 2 with index finger, hammer on and pull off with middle finger

12 14 16 - hold 12 with index, hammer on 14 with middle, hammer on 16 with ring finger

13 11 9 - ring finger holds down 9 them pulls off to 11, which would need to be held down by middle finger, which then pulls off to 9, which is held down by index finger. I'd play this by positioning all three fingers at the start. Or you could use pinky, ring and middle fingers instead (or any other combination).

0 4 0 is pluck open string, hammer on 4 with whatever finger, then pulloff with the same finger.

3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 looks like a "Trill" - fret 3, hammer 4 and pull off, hammer again, pulloff again. Keep 3 fretted throughout.

5 6 7 8 is fret 5 with index, hammer on 6 with middle, hammer on 7 with ring, hammer on 8 with pinky

8 7 6 5 uses same fingers as the above but you'll need to fret 8 with finky and pul off to 6 - again, placing all 4 fingers to start will make it easier.

I wish this forum had a "block user" feature. Possibly I'm not the only one......