I'm on the beginning lessons and am able to identify the chords and basics but my question is should I just keep going to the next lesson until I reach a point I can not do the lesson or do I repeat the same lessons over and over I have not played a song or tried to learn a song yet I don't want to start any bad habits. Also I do not have a warmup routine yet with the lessons any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Quick question?
A practice routine should develop over time.
Warm up. Spider fingers type exercises but could equally be some scale work as you learn them. [br]Bit covering what have learned to keep engrained
Bit of what you are currently learning to get it engrained. So at the moment chord positions and changing to and from. Then with the metronome to track your improvements
bit of enjoyment. Riffs. Segments of songs. Anything recognisable to you as music or a tune.
Will build to songs made easy done slowly, then at speed, then full correct versions. [br]You can move on through lessons while maintaining some practice of earlier lessons.
but it is easy to end up with lots of things you know about , can actually do stuff, but never mastered to any level. Then you realise your not ready for GF2 or the next levels of Blues, acoustic etc.
Many of us end up there. Can do chord changes but never fast enough or without that little hesitation in the tempo as we change. [br]just try to keep track of the fact you are improving.
Greatly appreciate your time and response thank you I am trying my best to not overwhelm myself