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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,535
01/10/2022 6:35 pm
Originally Posted by: dyrusnlclan

Question: But what if the key is in A Major?[/quote][p]You slide all the shapes over so the root note (circled) number 1 is on the letter A.

Originally Posted by: dyrusnlclanthe D major?

You slide all the shapes over so the root note (circled) number 1 is on the letter D.

[quote=dyrusnlclan]The pattern must change from the C Major pattern with some new notes right?

No. In fact that's the entire point behind the CAGED system: it's the same shapes & patterns (the scale & chord degrees) simply moved over & applied to a different set of musical alphabet letters.

This is the same principle behind barre chords & scales. The fact that the guitar is very pattern oriented is what makes CAGED a helpful visual guide for some players.

I cover CAGED for rhythm guitar in this tutorial. If you work through this tutorial, you'll see that I generate an entire chord progression of different chords but using the same shapes every time.

This one is CAGED for lead guitar.

Please ask more if necessary. Hope this helps! Best of success!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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