Hey All,
I don't own the typucal B B King style guitar but just a Fender Electro Acoustinc DCS60 a decent guitar that has a beautiful tone, and I also own a Les Paul style, is an Ephiphone Les Paul classic.
I am begineer and still struggling but I am learning my first full B.B. King[br]The Thrill Is Gone (Made Easy)
Since the path I want undertake once I complete the GF 2 is Blues I wonder what pedal or anythig other things do I need to get that typical B B King sound or typically I like Blues that is what Jimmy Reed was playing or Muddy Water but even Eric Clpaton for example Sweet Home Chicago
I build Tube Amps and Cabs myself, did this since a while currently I have an 5F1 Champ for Home and also a Madam Amp this is basically a 60s Bluesbreaker sound (Clean) with 2 channels where the second Channel is British Rock sound from 70s where you can add gain for distortion.
any other ideas is there a pedal that I can buy or build that can help with blues.
I have used Guitar Amps for using with Organ and also with Fender Rhodes piano this is why I built Amps but never applied to a Guitar.
Dave Mojo