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Joined: 07/25/20
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01/05/2022 11:58 am

I was in a similar spot not long ago. Went through the same thing with the A chord a bit later (you'll swear there's no way that man fingers can make that chord work!)

Similar issue now with consistent switching. Sometimes my fingers will still foget where D is,

Like others said, practice. It's an odd thing... I'd play for an hour or two, just placing fingers and hitting the chords, replaying the tutorials, sometimes switching out to easier things to (like Ode to Joy, other just strumming G, Em, C) tobreak the grind. Stop when it got too frustrating.

Couple of days of that, then a break, come back a few days later... and suddenly so much easier. I could then focus on making small adjustments to finger position to get the chord sounding consistently right, with similar struggle for couple days, then a day or two break, then easier again.

There's physical reasons for this. It takes time for neural pathways to adapt and organise.