i'm not considering giving it up anymore but i want to use them BOTH together to be more versatile with distortions. sometimes i like to use a weedy, feedbacky distortion and sometimes i like a thick, heavy, pummelling distortion. i can get both out of the Metal Zone but the heavy distortion with the Digitech Metal Master is just amazing!!
let's say here's a song:
verse - chorus- verse -chorus -SOLO -etc
but i can get a cool solo distortion that isn't good riff material and vice versa. this is that song again with distortion levels:
verse - chorus- verse -chorus -SOLO -etc
(good) (same) (same) (same)(NO BAD)(good)
notice the solo, not fun in the sun. but if i have both pedals working on different pieces with D-Digitech B-Boss:
verse chorus verse chorus SOLO etc
D (D,maybe B) D D B D
i might change around on the chorus to verse, but if i can get a good riff sound w/Digitech and good solo sound w/Boss than i should use both right?
tell me if you think it's a good idea.
Thanks for listening to this small piece of me.