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Joined: 01/27/03
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New Member
Joined: 01/27/03
Posts: 1
01/27/2003 10:07 pm
i'm trying to start writing lyrics to go with my music. honest opinions wanted. I also want to know if i plagerized.

It's been so long sincei've
seen the rain
i've almost
forgot how it tastes

Do you wonder
how much you can take
cause when you look around
all you see is hate...

so much hate
these days

Meet the world
as it is today
a tragedy in
many ways

I heard that there
will be fighting outside
everyone fights
and thinks that their right

is this just the way we are
is it no deeper than that
are we content to let our world fall apart
are we fine where we're at

It's been so long since i've
seen the rain
crashing down
on me

I heard there's fighting in the
middle east
it's just a symptom of
our disease