Hi Mike,
Thanks for your time. I have printed off some notation and applied the 16 note pattern
to the notation, I am not sure of the songs complete structure for the Acoustic guitar version of this song. I enjoyed watching the electric guitar version.
I have watched the Intro video lesson and looked at the notation:
I am interested in playing the Acoustic guitar basically on its own with the backing track.
Notation for Acoustic Guitar lesson 3 and video.
apologies for all the questions I just want to get this correct so that I can practice correctly.
please can you look over this ( from this lesson I have learnt that the 16th pattern can be played in different ways)
What confused me was the fact that in this lesson not every 16th chord note was sounded, with 4 not sounded.
Did you say repeat the pattern DD DUDU for Beats 3 and 4 have I must have got confused
this is when the D major chord comes in DUDUxUxU
please can you check the way I have set out the song I feel it is correct.
I think this is how the video and notation shows it also.
someone said on the forum that the pattern was
1and 2e and A 3and 4eand A
the problem is that if we applied this to beat 3 and beat 4 it would be different to the notation and video. Just an observation.
I will set out exactly how I will Play the intro and other sections ( I think this is correct
if you could outline the full string structure, it repeats continually doesn't it)
beat 1 G major chord (played over Beats 1 and 2)these chords share bar 1
1 e and a 2eand a
D. D. DuDu. DD beat 1. DUDU beat 2
The D major chord starts on Beat 3
3. E and a 4 e and a
D.u. D. U U. U. This is how the D major is shown on notation and video
Only the e and the last a are used
DUDU used in 3eand a 4 eand a only uses the two upstrums
bar 2
in this bar Am and Am7 is introduced half ways through the bar
AM is strummed exactly the same as beat 1 shown in bar 1 the G maj chord
the Am7 added with the pinky on the G note with Am staying down
comes in at the 3e and a ( it is also played over the 4th beat
the Am7 is strummed exactly the same as the D major chord in beat 3 bar 1
only the last two uostrums are used in the fourth beat exactly like the D major chord.
x means not played
bar 3
G major and D major share this bar in the same way as Bar 1
Played exactly the same as Bar 1
Cmajor chord for the whole bar
1eand a 2eand A 3eand a 4 e and a
althiugh the notation shows C for whole bar the video shiws a C7 added
half way thru bar like the Am 7 was added in bar 2
C7[br]played over Beats 3 and 4
DUDU with the two upstrums on the 4eand a only used as with Am7
the verse is played as follows G D Am Am7. G D C with repeat : marks meaning it's played twice and played exactly the same ways as the chords mentioned above.
the Chorus is the same as the verse and played the same.
the intro
G D Am Am7 G D C
I thinks there are three verses in the song
[br]you said after Am somewhere the C major chord come in and is played over 1,2,3,4
Do you mean Beats 1,2,3,4 or chords G D shown in bar 1
Mike I deeply appreciate your time and thank you I know you have a lot of students.