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Joined: 04/17/13
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Joined: 04/17/13
Posts: 695
08/24/2021 4:54 pm

So I am interested in recording some of my music. I have done recording back in the black and white days of tape recording. Since then I have taken up electric guitar and I have had bad experiences with recording. I don't like the sound I get out of the electric guitar on any home use recorder, at all.

Add to that the fact that everything is ditital these day. I am a luddite when it comes to computer programs, prone to thinking that hammers, or explosives are the best way to deal with these digital beasts. However if I want to get these songs recorded without paying for a studio and engineer, I am stuck. I have never made a good electric recording, without an engineer and a studio.

I have mics (no condenser mics), a small mixing board, and a Bose Tower. (I think I may have a 4 track cassette recorder somewhere, but that does not produce files I can send in an email). I play guitar through a Line 6 Spider Jam these days due to its portablity and its jam track library( but have access to a 100 watt older line 6 dual speaker digital amp) . I also play a Parker Mojo Fly Guitar. Lastly, I want to record vocals, possibly after recording the guitar parts.

Does anybody have any useful suggestions as to which digital recording setup are most accesable to analog dinosaurs?

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