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Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
Posts: 6,242
Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
Posts: 6,242
01/27/2003 4:14 am
Originally posted by pstring their really $1600 worth of tangible difference between the Gibson and the Epi?...
It's amazing how strongly an opinion can be held in the absence of any factual backing. :)

I remember jonesin' for a Gibson Les Paul Custom because I wanted to sound like Jimmy Page on Led Zeppelin's first album... y'know, the one he recorded with a Fender Telecaster? :rolleyes:

I have an almost identcal pair of black, 1984 Yamaha SBG 1000, double cutaway, two-humbucker, set mahogany neck, mahogany-body-with-carved-maple-top, solid body guitars. They feel the same. They look pretty much the same. They are set up the same. They both have the same string-sets on them (D'Addario EXL-115). They don't sound the same at all.

The one I bought new in 1984 has a DiMarzio SCHB pickup at the neck, and a DiMarzio Super Distortion pickup at the bridge. The controls have been modified significantly. The 'new' one is stock.

The only real difference between the two guitars is electronic. And that's where the difference in sound comes from.
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