Hi Guys, been a guitar tricks subscriber for a few months, I've been dipping in and out of the lessons quite a bit.
I have dabbled in Electric guitar for more years than I can remember, but now I am more determined than ever to learn
My interest is Rock guitar, blues and Electric is my chosen weapon.
My problem is this,
My knowledge is all over the place.
I do a fairly good job of playing Most Guns n Roses stuff, can handle barre chords, string skipping etc. Play U2
Sultans of swing by Dire Straits is my pet project at the moment too
BUT, if some one said show me a G power chord, or most barre and power chords for that matter even though I have played 1000 times, wouldn't know how to show them.....why because I learnt how to play off YouTube, so know how to play but don't understand the theory.
So although I can play some tunes, I am not learning what the chords are, and not fully understanding the scales, although I do know all the open chords and can change chords without difficulty.
I have tried and progressed through the basic guitar course on guitar tricks by Lisa McCormick, but to be honest those courses don't motivate me due to the songs offered, which isn't my bag.
What I need I think is to learn all the scales, barre chords, Power Chords, but in a rock environment, but please correct me if I am wrong.
I can follow tabs, can keep time, understand beats to a bar tempo etc..
Improvising looks cool to me and you tend to see many guitarists, who can just pick up a guitar and go into a whole lick pattern at random, I would like to be one of those guitarists.
I would be grateful for any advice from you experienced guitarists maybe a recommended learning check list, because at the moment my skills are all scattered.
Please be as abrasive as you like with me, I need a good shaking...phew I hope the spell checker doesn't modify that :-)