Floyds are tricky... i agree with the temperature concept. Another thing - looks like you're playing with the bridge tuning alot - one or two turns on the low E or A will throw the whole thing out. I always let the tuning screws all the way out - then tune - and go back and retune again - normally takes me 3 go arounds to get em all in. Then I lock it all down. The strings should not go sharp after this (unless you have some serious temp chnages) Then you just adjust the bridge screws as the strings stretch out (and go flat). Forgot to mention - if your bridge is starting to rise up on you, you need to open the back plate and turn the screws into the body a couple turns to re-tension the springs.
[Edited by N4Player on 01-20-2003 at 09:41 PM]
...another toy, to help destroy, the elder race of man