Is it just me, but when the Captcha test comes up, I'm so relieved that I passed and I prove to myself that I am in fact human.

# 1
Originally Posted by: paulcavaliereIs it just me, but when the Captcha test comes up, I'm so relieved that I passed and I prove to myself that I am in fact human.
I just love the blurry out of focus pictures they use . Maybe robots can`t see very well.
# 2

I like how they can misidentify what the picture is and then not let you in if you actualy call it by it's real name.
Captcha is a total pain in the........
# 3

Originally Posted by: paulcavaliereIs it just me, but when the Captcha test comes up, I'm so relieved that I passed and I prove to myself that I am in fact human.
Beware. That kind of proof is commonly thrown out of court!
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
-- Chet Atkins
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