Good day , I have a suggestion/request : is it possible having a video which is a guide for the guitar amplifier settings and controls? I mean how to tune the guitar to have heavy rock sound ,etc .

Why don't you go to the lesson about this? If you go to lessons list, under subheading of, I think, "Tone" is a lesson called "Basic Tone: Guitar, Amp and how you play".
Then under the 3 specialty genre lessons: Rock, Blues and Country" is a lesson for that genre on tone.
Lastly, it isn't here in Guitar Tricks, but Joe Bonamassa has a YouTube video on getting tone. The gist of this video, which I think would be helpful for all of us, is that most of us start worrying about pedals and chasing tone before exploring how much we can tone variation we can get from our guitar controls/knob first! I know I am guilty of this. You will need to search for it but well worth the hunt.
[u]Guitars:[/u] 2014 PRS Santana, 2013 PRS Paul's, 2009 PRS Hollowbody, 1972 Gibson ES-325, 2012 Fender Strat American Standard, 2012 Yamaha Pacifica, Martin M-36, Martin 000-15M, Seagull S6 Classic[br][u]Amps:[/u] Fender Blues Junior III, Boss Eband JS-10, Line 6 POD 500X, Quilter Microblock 45

Oh ok thank you very much for the advice , its just im kinda confused with using the amp lol
Every year Sweetwater Music has their "Gearfest". This year it is completely online. I hope you stop back here and find this.
Tomorrow Paul Reed Smith (PRS Guitars) and Rick Beato have a session on tone. It is at 12:50 PM Eastern. If you go to my link for Gearfest then scroll down to 12:50 you'll see the complete description.
"Paul Reed Smith & Tim Pierce: Guitar Tone Master Class[br]Looking to get the best tone from your guitar? Join music legends Paul Reed Smith, founder of PRS Guitars, and Tim Pierce, one of LA’s most sought-after session musicians, as they reveal the secrets to monster tone."
I'm a huge fan of PRS guitars (I have 4) and also a fan of Tim Pierce. Most of Tim's YT Videos are very interesting. I'm certainly going to try and catch this. I'm sure that you will find this informative.
[u]Guitars:[/u] 2014 PRS Santana, 2013 PRS Paul's, 2009 PRS Hollowbody, 1972 Gibson ES-325, 2012 Fender Strat American Standard, 2012 Yamaha Pacifica, Martin M-36, Martin 000-15M, Seagull S6 Classic[br][u]Amps:[/u] Fender Blues Junior III, Boss Eband JS-10, Line 6 POD 500X, Quilter Microblock 45
Originally Posted by: darickmendesOh ok thank you very much for the advice , its just im kinda confused with using the amp lol
What kind of amp do you have and what type of music do you play?

Originally Posted by: matonanjin2Tomorrow Paul Reed Smith (PRS Guitars) and Rick Beato have a session on tone.
The PRS amps are designed/engineered by my BIL.
Can he get me a family discount? Noooo...
-- Chet Atkins

Originally Posted by: john of MT
The PRS amps are designed/engineered by my BIL.
Can he get me a family discount? Noooo...
Sheeez. One would think............
[u]Guitars:[/u] 2014 PRS Santana, 2013 PRS Paul's, 2009 PRS Hollowbody, 1972 Gibson ES-325, 2012 Fender Strat American Standard, 2012 Yamaha Pacifica, Martin M-36, Martin 000-15M, Seagull S6 Classic[br][u]Amps:[/u] Fender Blues Junior III, Boss Eband JS-10, Line 6 POD 500X, Quilter Microblock 45
Originally Posted by: darickmendesThe Amp I have is line 6 spider V20 mxll
So, in this case, Line 6 has made a simple looking interface but made it confusing to use. Sure, it's east to look at FX1 (orange), FX2 (blue) or FX3 (green). What on earth do they do?
First, each color of FX buttons represents a type of effect like Delay and stuff like that. For your model, it is a follows:
FX1 (orange) - Drives
FX2 (blue) - Modulation
FX3 (green) - Delay
In the simplest terms, when you've selected that FX button, whateverever effect is assigned to that button, will be turned on. To adjust how much of that effect you want to hear, the FX knob will let you meter how much of it you dial in.
The confusing part is; what the heck are the actual effects under that button?! That took some looking and honestly, I'm not sure that it was really super-clear to me. The best I can tell is that you can also connect to a PC to assign and edit what effect you're using in each. I won't pretend to say that sounds awesome but without having used the amp, I'm guessing that each of the effects is a simple preset and if you want to get more than that, you cgotta connect to your computer. Sigh.....
Otherwise, to dial in metal-type tones on the other parts of the amp, these are in the Crunch, Chink and Insane preset knob on the left end of the amp face. The titles explain a lot. To dial in tone, I would zero everything out and keep the volume knob at about the 10 o'clock position while adjusting (once you like it...then jam away! I would set the tone knob to noon to start. Then I would start chunking on a chord (like an open E power chord) and start adjusting that Drive knob up until you've reach a 'ckunky' tone level you kinda like. Then, start messing with that Tone knob again to fine tune things. LAST, dial in some Reverb. That's just something to add to taste. After that, you can make adjustments to the Volume and the Master to get you that last little bit of fine tuning.
Thing is; you do have to mess around with knobs. I've always messed with them. Always. So get used to the practicing how to dial in tone. I always start with most stuff at zero and work up.
Those FX knobs though, not sure that was a great design by Line 6. Once you get the hand of it, they may be great but Line 6 does a poor job of helping users on that one.
Originally Posted by: JeffS65Originally Posted by: darickmendesThe Amp I have is line 6 spider V20 mxll
So, in this case, Line 6 has made a simple looking interface but made it confusing to use. Sure, it's east to look at FX1 (orange), FX2 (blue) or FX3 (green). What on earth do they do?
Boss Katana does the same with the effects only use green, yellow and red color.
Originally Posted by: JeffS65Originally Posted by: darickmendesThe Amp I have is line 6 spider V20 mxll
So, in this case, Line 6 has made a simple looking interface but made it confusing to use. Sure, it's east to look at FX1 (orange), FX2 (blue) or FX3 (green). What on earth do they do?
First, each color of FX buttons represents a type of effect like Delay and stuff like that. For your model, it is a follows:
FX1 (orange) - Drives
FX2 (blue) - Modulation
FX3 (green) - Delay
In the simplest terms, when you've selected that FX button, whateverever effect is assigned to that button, will be turned on. To adjust how much of that effect you want to hear, the FX knob will let you meter how much of it you dial in.
The confusing part is; what the heck are the actual effects under that button?! That took some looking and honestly, I'm not sure that it was really super-clear to me. The best I can tell is that you can also connect to a PC to assign and edit what effect you're using in each. I won't pretend to say that sounds awesome but without having used the amp, I'm guessing that each of the effects is a simple preset and if you want to get more than that, you cgotta connect to your computer. Sigh.....
Otherwise, to dial in metal-type tones on the other parts of the amp, these are in the Crunch, Chink and Insane preset knob on the left end of the amp face. The titles explain a lot. To dial in tone, I would zero everything out and keep the volume knob at about the 10 o'clock position while adjusting (once you like it...then jam away! I would set the tone knob to noon to start. Then I would start chunking on a chord (like an open E power chord) and start adjusting that Drive knob up until you've reach a 'ckunky' tone level you kinda like. Then, start messing with that Tone knob again to fine tune things. LAST, dial in some Reverb. That's just something to add to taste. After that, you can make adjustments to the Volume and the Master to get you that last little bit of fine tuning.
Thing is; you do have to mess around with knobs. I've always messed with them. Always. So get used to the practicing how to dial in tone. I always start with most stuff at zero and work up.
Those FX knobs though, not sure that was a great design by Line 6. Once you get the hand of it, they may be great but Line 6 does a poor job of helping users on that one.
I have a spider v mkii 60.
First modelling amp so can't compare to others, but did do my research & thought it was the best in the price range.
Agree can be a little confusing getting the hang of it, but when you do , it's an awesome amp.
Again like you say , this works best plugged into a PC, can really be thorough with tones & effects, also as the cloud, so can download other people's patches.
The Fbv 3 pedal board is a great addition to it also.

Well at least they did a great job with easing up on the type of type to put the guitar on (acoustic,vibe,insane ,chunky etc ) it helped a lot for using especially for begginers
Click the link below:
Hope that helps!
- Mikael
Because of GuitarTricks, I got to the level that I could play Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles in just eleven months! The instructors here are so good at teaching guitar! - Mikael_Z_Guitarist_123
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I picked up a Revv G20 amp and felt the same way. But I found this article on rock settings which was helpful. I was able to get some good hard rock and metal tones after reading it and tweaking the controls a bit. It's a great amp!