Teeneyweenew Marshall amps

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01/17/2003 2:33 am
I am blown away....just totally lost for words, utterly gob smacked !

I have just got one of those micro Marshall half stacks (a princely 30 bucks, complete with free battery), an MS2 I think it is called and it is just awesome.

My favorite trick is clipping it to my belt and wondering round our flat worrying things (like my wife, the hedgehog or several inanimate objects I have never liked) or I can take it in the can with me !

Has any one else had similar revelations ? Or even tried any other brands of Micro amp, I know Fender and Vox make 'em.
Any thoughts please !

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# 1
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01/17/2003 3:14 am
My advice is .....get one immediately, they are loads of fun ! I may have to try some of the other flavors just for bad !!!!
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# 2
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01/17/2003 3:47 pm
i know you got for a bargain but what do you think a normal store/street price would be? the list price is probably better to know i guess, either is fine.
also, what kind of controls does it have? eq, fx?
and how accessible is it? would it be sold at most guitar stores or is a hard-to-get rarity?
finally, what are the approximate dimensions of the MS2?
sounds great already.
Thanks for listening to this small piece of me.
# 3
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01/17/2003 5:19 pm
Im thinking about getting one of those and to
buy some batteries to my effects pedal.
Would'nt that be totally awesome, to walk around
in town playing some blazing solos with an amp and a pedal
attached to my belt.
Hell yeah!
# 4
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01/17/2003 5:41 pm
i got a mini danelectro honey tone amp, its total fun!
it makes a kickass sound and you can't get anything more portable
wales- where men are men and sheep are scared
# 5
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01/17/2003 10:15 pm
I got mine for about 30 bucks from music123.com. It is about 7 in x 4 in x 2 in and packs a mighty 1 watt ! I donā€™t know what it will sound like outside however our hedgehog has taken to warring earplugs !
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# 6
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01/17/2003 10:25 pm

36 bucks !

You can also get 'em at any of the other online music stores so dont think Im plugging music 123 !
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# 7
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01/18/2003 3:32 am
Sorry to hear about your hedgehog man, we are on African Pigmy #2 (Barney), like all small mammals, they donā€™t live forever. Ours has more living space than us at the moment !
Check out:


and follow the links to ...Pogtopia !

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# 8
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01/18/2003 3:52 am

self, hedgehog, guitar and amp !

[Edited by Dr_simon on 01-17-2003 at 10:12 PM]
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# 9
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01/18/2003 3:31 pm
love that amp man. gotta get me one of those.
Thanks for listening to this small piece of me.
# 10
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01/18/2003 3:42 pm
I have the Fender Mini Twin myself and it sure is good, the clean channel at least. Great thing to have when traveling around...

# 11
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01/19/2003 3:37 pm
Hummm, I like the clean channel also, set the volume so its just starting to break up and away we go !
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# 12
Gear Guru
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01/19/2003 5:20 pm
Hmmm... so instead of buying a $2000 stack, all you need is a mini and a mic to feed the soundboard?
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# 13
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01/19/2003 8:06 pm
$2000 stack it isnā€™t, I think it is meant as a practice tool !

I havenā€™t tried micking it (I usually record direct, neighbors and all that) though I guess I could try it! Maybe good for a sort of far away / very mad sort of guitar effect if I tweaked the bass EQ a bit. I really bought as a sort of sitting in front of the TV / sitting on the can amp. (shame on me) and for that, it is perfect !

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# 14
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01/21/2003 3:39 am
Originally posted by Dr_simon
... sitting on the can amp. (shame on me)...
I get brain paralysis from all the joke punch lines that phrase suggests to me! :D
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# 15
Big as Elvis, Baby
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Big as Elvis, Baby
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01/21/2003 4:20 am

self, hedgehog, guitar and amp ! [/B]

Cool!, you taught a hedgehog to play guitar, BTW, where were you in the photo? SCR
# 16
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01/21/2003 7:09 pm
I was the one under the log, hedgehogs have no respect for volume ! Especially after a beer or two !!!
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# 17
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01/28/2003 4:41 pm
hey guys,
i just got an MS2! the only difference is that it's red, but other than the color it's identical. i was downtown at this little guitar shop that has a lot of Marshall gear. it has a really nice mini-stack too. not a micro-stack, mini-stack. it's a four-foot tall tube amp. head and two cabs. i played that for so long. but i went upstairs where they have a little more gear and some cool tab books, i looked into a little display case and saw the MS2. i immediately started trying it out and was very impressed. i bought it right there. it was about 35dollars. goooood stuff.
now i hold CANUCKFEST at my house every weekend. heh heh. i like that.
thanks for your info about it, i didn't even think about taking it to the can!!
Thanks for listening to this small piece of me.
# 18
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01/28/2003 6:38 pm
Cool !!!!
I am getting gready and have got the fender mini twin also. I tihnk Im going to try and get hold of the Vox one and any other relitavly cheep ones I can find and write a review for the Newsletter !!

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# 19
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01/29/2003 7:23 am
Originally posted by Lordathestrings
Hmmm... so instead of buying a $2000 stack, all you need is a mini and a mic to feed the soundboard?

The people at marshall and elsewhere are definately not that dumb.
If that were so,who'd buy the $2000 stacks then?
# 20

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